GUARDIANIt was founded in 2004 and is situated in Nashik, India. Nashik is a brand of Paramount Enterprises, which is rapidly gaining ground in the resistance spot welding market in India. Since we have been in business for 15 years, we have thoroughly entered the Indian market for spot welding consumables and replacement parts. Worldwide distribution is already available for our spot welding copper WeldParts & electrical 3D busbar products. The shank, holder gun arm, flexible shunt, and spot welding electrodes that we provide for spot welding guns and robotics welding are made using the most cutting-edge methods and processes. Our expert panel and R&D department is made up of professionals in the welding business who have first-hand knowledge of how to create the best portable rocker arm welders, spare weld parts, and projection welding using elkonite electrodes.