Since 1991, Siva Granite Products has been active in the manufacturing and mining of granite monuments. We are a medium-sized manufacturing company providing quality granite monuments constructed from the highest grade granite kinds found in India, doing amazing things for good people. Producing vases with square tapered shapes, turned vases, bases, park benches, markers, ledgers, bevels, slants, cremation pedestals, and a variety of other items. Our team members have a wealth of experience and a thirst for information, making them caring, imaginative, and skilled in the production process. We have achieved great heights in many areas of the manufacturing process because we are driven by innovation that is motivated by our customers. For the past 2 decades, we are providing the best quality granite stone at reasonable prices to our customers along with our staff members who are enthusiastic about picking up new techniques, abilities, and ways to make even small improvements to daily tasks.