Custard Apple Plant

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The tasty fruits and fragrant flowers of Custard Apples grow on tiny trees. This tree is popular for home gardens and edible gardens because it needs very little care and can bear fruit even when kept young. Most commonly, the fruits are either raw or combined with smoothies and pastries. The Custard Apple is unique due to its pulp that resembles Custard and its sweet flavor. widely acknowledged in conventional medicine for its therapeutic qualities. Fruits are eaten raw, and the pulp is used in ice cream to improve its flavor. The tree bears its characteristic fruit quickly due to its rapid growth. Custard Apples are a delicious fruit with a variety of traditional medical uses due to their distinct flavor and possible health advantages. For those who appreciate its Custard-like pulp, it offers a sweet and unique taste, making it a viable addition to gardens and orchards due to its mild maintenance requirements. Cloud Farm Hybrid Custard Apple Plant Manufacturer & Suppliers in India.


The Custard Apple tree, which belongs to the Annonaceae family, is a tiny deciduous tree that goes by the names Sharifa and Sitaphal. Its original home is in regions of India, the Caribbean, and South America. Because of its delicious and creamy fruit, the tree has become very famous in India. It is a significant source of income for many farmers and is widely Planted in India's tropical and subtropical regions. This page will go over its physical attributes, ecological function, significance to birds, animals, and insects, states where it is cultivated both naturally and commercially, various stages of tree growth, and advantages for farmers. The Custard Apple, or Annona squamosa, is a little, three to five-meter-tall evergreen tree. The species is indigenous to the Americas' tropical regions. The fruit of the Custard Apple tree is segmented into creamy white pulp with a sweet, tropical flavor that tastes and feels like Custard. Other names for the Custard Apple that are frequently used include Sweetsops, Sugar Apple, Chirimoyo, and Atemoya. green Custard Apple Plant Exporters & Traders in India.


Health Benefits of Custard Apple:


Polyphenolic substances found in Custard fruit may help prevent and treat several chronic illnesses, including diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and neurological disorders. Our website lists many manufacturers and suppliers of Green Rose Flower Plant. Moreover, essential oils found in Custard fruits have antiparasitic and antimalarial qualities when extracted.


Maintaining of Custard Apple Plant:


Light Condition: This type of Plant thrives in hot, dry weather. It can withstand protracted dry weather. thrives during the cold months. It is necessary to have direct sunlight for at least six hours.


Watering Schedule: Water when the topsoil (three to six inches) is nearly dry. Moisture should always be kept close to the root zone.  Watering Plants is crucial, especially during flowering and fruit development. Super Golden Custard Apple Nursery Plant Exporters & Traders from Mayoworld.


Soil Type: The ideal soil has a high organic content, good drainage, and fertility.


Fertilizer Application: Use any organic fertilizer once a month during the first year. Apply any organic fertilizer two to three times a year, especially during the flowering season, after full establishment.


Plant Protection: Neem oil should be applied as a main treatment if insects or other severe pests are detected, as it typically does not impact them.




Which nutrients are found in Custard Apples?


Custard Apples are high in water content and low in minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, fatty acids, tryptophan, lysine, and methionine, as well as vitamins C, B6, and A.


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