Ice Storage Box

Ice Storage Box Manufacturer and Supplier in India


The size of the cooler you purchase, the quantity of Ice you use, and most importantly the kind and quantity of Ice you put inside all affect how long Ice lasts in a cooler. Our website offers a wide range of options from various Wall Mounted Wine Glass Rack manufacturers and suppliers. Block Ice is your best bet if you want cooling that lasts longer. Even in temperatures above ninety, it can keep your food cold in an insulated cooler for roughly five to seven days. Regular Ice cubes, on the other hand, won't keep your meals cold for more than a day or two.


The Indian Institute of Technology's industrial design center in Mumbai is where the Aquatech cold Storage Boxes were created. It is created following close examination of the industrial design disciplines and the principles of thermodynamics. This chilly Box is kept at minus eighteen degrees Celsius, with a maximum temperature rise of 0.7 degrees Celsius every hour. The Box's ergonomic handles make holding and stacking easy, and PU Form (Polyurethane Foam) entirely insulates the Box and lid to stop heat loss. In India, people like using Aquatech's lightweight plastic IceBoxes for easy transportation of frozen foods, Ice, Ice cream, and other items.


Different types of Ice Storage Box:


Before selecting a cooler, consider the kinds of activities you plan to engage in. Coolers made of soft nylon and polystyrene are suitable for quick day journeys because they provide only a little insulation. However, it's worth investing a little bit extra money in a hard-sided cooler if you're going on a longer journey or camping for the night. These can prolong the period that your food stays cold. Styrofoam and durable plastic coolers are both excellent choIces. Steer clear of stainless steel or aluminum metal coolers as they tend to absorb heat more quickly.


. Limit the Airflow: Try to cram everything into your cooler as tightly as you can to minimize airflow. To fill in any gaps, use plastic bowls or anything else you have. This is beneficial in two ways. To start with, your cooler will contain more Ice. Second, since there won't be as much warm air surrounding it, your Ice will stay colder for longer.


. Use Salt: A technique for keeping meat cold that has been used for hundreds of years especially before refrigerators is Ice salting. Two methods that salt can help cool your cooler are as follows:


. Employ a Water and Salt Solution: Place some frozen saltwater bottles into your cooler and top it off with ordinary Ice. The temperature will remain lower for longer since these saltwater bottles will melt more quickly than ordinary Ice. This occurs as a result of salt lowering the freezing point of water when the Ice melts.


.Season Ice with Salt: Ice melts more quickly when salt is added, but Ice is the coldest form of water that exists. Thus, to generate Ice cubes, you can simply add salt to the water rather than freezing salt water bottles.


. Pre-Chill Your Products: Before the Ice within a cooler can begin to keep the cooler cool, the items inside must first be cooled to a low temperature. A portion of the Ice will be lost in the process. Therefore, before placing the goods in the cooler, it is preferable to chill them in the refrigerator or freezer. In this manner, you can avoid wasting Ice trying to cool down your products and they will remain colder for longer.




How long does Ice last in an IceBox?


Block Ice is your best bet if you want cooling that lasts longer. Even in temperatures above ninety, it can keep your food cold in an insulated cooler for roughly five to seven days. Regular Ice cubes, on the other hand, won't keep your meals cold for more than a day or two.


How do you store Ice Boxes?


Since temperatures inside tents and cars can frequently rise by 10–20 degrees above those outside, using an IceBox inside of them is like placing it in an oven. To protect your IceBox from the sun, you may even cover it with a blanket or towel. Even great is a wet towel if you're at the beach.


What is the use of Ice Box?


Used for: Preserving a constant temperature throughout the transportation and Storage of frozen food, dairy goods, meat, fish, candy, Ice cream, fruits, and vegetables, as well as chilled beverages and pharmaceuticals.


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