Dirt Resistant, Hardness Quartzites

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Sandstone underwent metamorphism to become Quartzites, which is differentiated from sandstone by its fracture.When quartz grains compress and intimately intergrow with one another under the intense heat and pressure of metamorphism, a material known as Quartzites is created. Quartzites is thick and exceedingly hard.


It is a Good bedrock on which to build soil because it is so solid and resistant to weathering from both physical and chemical sources. Quartzites that is normally quarried is therefore extremely close to the surface. Quartzites has not been mined as much as other softer dimension stones (such as granite, sandstone, and limestone) because it is so thick and hard. One kind of limestone created by mineral deposits from natural springs is called Stone Travertine. One additional new granite visits our website.


Key features of Quartzites:


Unmatched Durability: Quartzites is known for its extraordinary hardness and durability, which guarantees that your countertops will last the test of time and easily fend against stains, heat, and scratches.


Timeless Beauty: Quartzites Stone's inherent charm lends a sense of refinement to any area. Each countertop is a piece of art due to its distinctive veining and color variances, which combine to produce a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.


Low Maintenance: Bid farewell to laborious maintenance! Because of their low-maintenance nature, our Quartzites countertops may be kept in immaculate condition for years to come with little work on your part.


Versatility in Design: Quartzites Stone subtly accentuates any aesthetic, whether it is modern, classic, or eclectic. Select from a wide variety of hues and designs to create the ideal kitchen or bathroom of your dreams.


Healthy Living: Because Quartzites is non-porous, it resists the growth of bacteria and allergies. Enjoy providing your family with a clean, secure atmosphere.


Best price of Quartzites stone in India



Quartzites Stone

Slab Sizes

Full-size slabs as well as 10*6 ft, 8*6 ft, and 7*5 ft are available.

Cut Sizes

Various sizes available: 30 cm x 30 cm, 30 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm x 120 cm, and customized sizes!


Available sizes: 20 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm, 60 mm, and 70 mm


Leather, Brushed, Polished, Honed, and Lapatura



External & Internal Construction Aids; Marble Handicrafts; Flooring; Cladding; Counter/Vanity Top; Bathroom Walls & Floors; Fireplace Walls




What type of rock is Quartz?


One characteristic that sets granite and other felsic igneous rocks apart is quartz. In sedimentary rocks like sandstone and shale, it is highly prevalent. It is frequently found in Quartzites, gneiss, schist, and other metamorphic rocks.


What is the hardness of Quartzites?


Quartzites is slightly harder than granite, with a Mohs mineral hardness rating of 7 out of 10. According to Countertop Specialty, Quartzites hardly ever chips or pits and is resistant to heat, etching, and scratches. In a nutshell, Quartzites is the toughest material available.


What is the price of Quartz?


You should consider the material's thickness in addition to the stone's dimensions. For example, the average cost of quartz is between INR 415 to INR 625 per square foot for premium quartz stone with a standard thickness of 15mm.


Stones like quartz don't need to be sealed, unlike marble and granite. Like any other popular product, quartz is highly sought after by homeowners because of its quality. The reason the stone is pricey is that supply and demand dictate that prices must increase in line with demand.


Is Quartzites waterproof?


This stone's unique formation gives it a high level of heat and water resistance, so it won't deteriorate with time. (Quartzites's Mohs hardness rating is approximately a 7 out of 10.) It also has a strong resistance against the acids that etch


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