Green cardamom is a popular cooking spice. There are numerous
Green Cardamom Uses, Cardamom seeds, and pods that can be found in curries, sweets, and meat dishes, as well as beverages like coffee and chai tea.
Elaichi Green is a fragrant Indian spice sourced from plantations in southern India. It is grown and processed in Kerala's Idukki gardens. Each pod is plucked by hand and dried in the shade. The plants are grown naturally and without the use of chemicals. The following are some
Benefits Of Green Elaichi Cardamom Benefits on The Skin and Hair, Digestive Issues, Fighting Bad Bacteria, Post-Surgery Recovery, Soothes and Reduces Inflammation, Relieves Respiratory Ailments, and Antioxidant Properties May Reduce High Blood Pressure. They are cleanly packaged and free of artificial coloring, flavoring, and preservatives. It is entirely pure and natural. This may be utilized for an assortment of cookies and pastries, as well as multiple kinds of beverages such as tea and coffee.